Follow the instructions in README.TXT of the Module
Install module and editor
Enable the module in Administer → Modules
Grant fckeditor access permissions for user with story/page write access (eg. self-created role authors) and authenticated users
Under Administer → FCKeditor, allow authors to use the advanced profile and optionally authenticated users to use the default profile
Under Administer → Input formats
Make Filtered HTML the default format
Add the tags <p> <br /> to the list of allowed HTML tags in Filtered HTML
Allow the role authors to use Full HTML
Uncheck Line break converter in both formats
Optionally disable the conversion of special characters to HTML entities by adding the line FCKConfig.ProcessHTMLEntities = false; to the file /sites/all/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor.config.js (Source: REAMDE of fckeditor drupal module)
Update: It seems to be better to select the default language at installation (Drupal 6.9) — 2009-01-19
This refers to Drupal 6.2:
Downlad a language tarball from drupal>project/Translations
Enable: Administer → Site building → Modules → Locale
Upload language tarball to drupa root dir and unpack it
Home › Administer › Site configuration > Languages > Add language
Make new language the default language on the same page
Some modules need to be triggered periodically. This is done by calling the script /drupal/cron.php with lynx. Therfore add a hourly conjob. With Slackware this is achieved by simply creating and making runnable /etc/cron.hourly/drupal whith the following content:
Check if they are up to date in drupal/admin/reports/updates
Place the site in „Off-line“ mode in drupal/admin/settings/site-maintenance
cd drupal/sites/all; cp -a modules
Download new module tarballs into with wget
Remove outdated module dirs in
Unpack and remove tarballs
Merge your changed in module config files into the new config files
mv modules modules.old; mv modules
Point Browser to http://<mysite>/drupal/update.php and follow instructions
Minor Update Drupal Core
Log into your Drupal install with HTTP as Admin an go to http://<mysite>/drupal/admin/reports/updates and copy Link to latest core package into clipboard
Log into your Drupal server with SSH and download core package with wget
Extract core package in your web root (near old core package)
Place the site in „Off-line“ mode in drupal/admin/settings/site-maintenance
Backup db with mysqldump –default-character-set=utf8 –user=<user> –password=<pass> –opt <dbname> > dbbak.sql
Switch to Garland or Bluemarine core theme drupal/admin/build/themes
Write down all custom and contributed modules drupal/admin/build/modules and save it into (to reuse it for later updates)
Disable all custom and contributed modules (all exept 'Core - required')
Merge your custom changes (ie. database access data) of drupal/sites/default/settings.php into newly created (use eg diff3 -m)
cd drupal/sites/all; cp -a modules themes
cd drupal/sites/default; cp files
cd <wwwroot>; rm drupal; ln -s drupal
Point Browser to http://<mysite>/drupal/update.php and follow instructions
Re-enable custom and contributed modules and check if they are up to date in drupal/admin/reports/updates
Update all outdated modules
Return the site to its original theme
Return your site to Online
Major Upgrade Drupal Core
Minor Update Drupal Core
Install Drupal Core
Download and extract Drupal somewhere in apache document root, on Slackware /var/www/htdocs. Maybe its better not to extract directly on the server but to ftp the files up to the server, because otherwise you get strange permissions for the directories i.e. drwxr-sr-x instead of drwxr-xr-x
Symlink drupal → drupal-<versionnumber>
chown -R nobody:nobody /var/www/htdocs/drupal/* Maybe it's more secure to just give write permission to only the files wich drupal wants to edit, eg. drupal/sites/default/settings.php
Make sure that you use PHP5 not 4. Otherwise you may get an error message about register_globals being illegally on. You can check this by creating a file containing „<?php phpinfo(); ?>“ inside the drupal directory on your server. You can switch to PHP5 by adding the line „AddHandler php-fastcgi5 .php .php5“ to the file .htaccess in the drupal directory.
Point your Browser to http://yourhostname/drupal and follow installation instructions.
Obsolete instructins for drupal 5.2:
Create the drupal database by help of INSTALL.mysql.txt. Don't omit @localhost in the SQL statement Otherwise you might not connect to the database. (See column mysql.user.Host)
Create administrator account
Create a directory called 'files' in root dir of drupal and make it writable by httpd
Download tinymce module and follow the instructions in INSTALL.txt and optionally at the Drupal Handbook
If seems better to try additonal features (eg images) with WYSIWYG turned off in order to get the proper source code and then perhaps config tinymce to produce that source code.
There is also a FCKEditor module, but Tinymce seems to be more lightweight & better supported
Recommendation for tinymce & freelinking instead of a wiki
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becki/linux/drupal.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011-12-20 17:21 von becki