


Gnu Screen Tips

Screen multiplexes a physical terminal between several shells.

Info sources



shell -bash
shell -$SHELL #alternativ, from ~./screenrc
bindkey -d ^@ stuff ^H

to ~/.screenrc or to /etc/screenrc to automatically get a login shell and to enable the Backspace key. Login source, Backspace source

Note: The already existing ~./screenrc file probably comes from /etc/skel/.screenrc


C-a ?     display a list of the available screen commands and their bindings
C-a v     show screen version. Can be used to check if screen is running

C-a S     Split the current region horizontally into two new ones
C-a |     (Sometimes) split the current region vertically into two new ones
C-a <Tab> Move the input focus to the next region
C-a X     Kill the current region.

C-a c     Establish a new window (termial)
C-a n     next window
C-a p     provious window
C-a "     window list
C-a K     kill current window

C-a [     Enter copy/scrollback mode. Scroll with arrow keys
C-a ]     Paste

Serial communication

Establish serial connection with eg: screen /dev/ttyUSB1 115200

See also: Window Types

Session Management

C-a d       detach screen session. Started programs continue
screen -ls  prints a list of strings identifying your screen sessions
screen -R   reattach detachted screen session
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becki/linux/gnu_screen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2018-06-25 10:15 von becki

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