



FIXME This is a draft!


Slacklist is a web-based todo list manager, inspired by the ideas of David Allen in his book Getting_Things_Done



scratched an itch / first text editor / then I created a little java application carried around on a memory stick / web-based / returned to pain text files, because I found it to cumbersome to … / What I missed were the sort and filter options and the browser-based access from everywhere. / But why web-based then? / I dont want to mess around with sync tools on different laptops desktops and PDA's / Just have only one single version of my documents. This version is always up to date and it lives in the internet. / I don't like to carry a laptop around. I just need an ordinary computer with internet connection somewhere and I can start working. / Eisenhower-Method possible


  • Web-based, works with all browsers, no need to install software on the clients
  • No tedious dialog boxes to edit tasks, just plain text
  • Keep your fingers on the keyboard, little need for mouse usage
  • Rapid creation of similar tasks by just copying and pasting plain text
  • Sloppy editing of tasks and their attributes. slacklist formats and sorts them for you
  • Abundant sort and filter options
  • Almost everything is done on the client side with AJAX and Javascript, no page reloads necessary
  • Content is stored on the server in files, no database required, just some version of PHP
  • Temporarily offline usage is possible
  • Input field automatically adapts its height to the amount of tasks, no unnecessary doubled scrollbars

Test it


Tips and Hints


  • Graceful degradation to a static HTML form for browsers without AJAX support

Known Bugs

  • Left over whitespace in a sinlge line results in an empty task with default attributes
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becki/sources/slacklist.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2010-01-13 11:07 von becki

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