


File Utilities

Hopefully useful scripts to convert file names, handle access rights, convert between charsets and indent size handling.

Download latest version here

Filename Manipulation

Get rid of Spaces

sbsp2un: Convert all spaces in passed filenames to underscores. Not recursive.

Make Filenames lowercase

sblowerc: Make filenames and directory names lowercase recursively in whole directory trees.

Change Access Permissions

Permissions for Files and Dirs

sbchmod: Change access permissions recursively and separately for files and directories.

Character Set Conversion

Convert Latin1 to UTF-8

sblatin2utf: Convert text files from Latin1 (ISO-8859-1) to UTF-8 and vice versa:

Spaces, Tabs and Indent

Tabs to Spaces

sbexpand: Convert tabs to spaces and vice versa. Works like expand and unexpand commands, but opeates directly on the file instead of writing to stdout.

Cange indentation width

sbindent: Cange indentation width eg. of source code files

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becki/sources/file_utilities.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2009-04-24 09:57 von becki

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