


Coding Style


This document describes my personal coding style, hopefully consistent for all programming languages I use.



  • 4 spaces for indentation
  • No hard tabs!
  • If hard tabs are unavoidable, they have to be set to 8 spaces
  • Lines not longer than 80 characters

Identifier Naming

  1. Use lowercase for variables and use _ to separate names, i.e no camel case for variables.
  2. All constants must be in Upper case letters.
  3. Class names always starts with an uppercase letter and use camel case rather than _
  4. Data members of classes are prefixed by m_ (Not necessary when you have to use this anyway)
  5. Static variables or class data members are prefixed with s_



  1. doxygen -g [config_file] - generate a Doxyfile
  2. mv Doxyfile Doxyfile.all
  3. touch Doxyfile
  4. Copy the settings to change from Doxyfile.all to Doxyfile
  5. doxygen – create the documentation

Important Config Settings

PROJECT_NAME           = "plcext"
#PROJECT_NUMBER         = 47.11
#EXTRACT_ALL            = YES # important for c
INPUT                  = "V/plcext.386/Source" "V/plcext.386/Include/SMC"
FILE_PATTERNS          = "*.h"  # important for c
HTML_HEADER            = "doc/doxyheader.html"
#OUTPUT_LANGUAGE        = "German"
OUTPUT_DIRECTORY       = "/var/www/htdocs/doxygen/plcext"

Documentation Comments

In c and c++ documentation comments go only to the header files, not to the source files, because…

  1. Header files are available in libraries too
  2. does it in the same way ;-)
/** Liest bitweise von einem Plc-Datenwort.
    Abkuerzung fuer PlcDwBits_io() mit doSet=false
    @param  this  Zeiger auf die Objektdaten
    @param  value Quelle fuer die Bits die in der Maske nicht gesetzt sind
    @see    PlcDwBits_io()
    @return >=0: Ergebnis | -1: Fehler beim Zugriff aufs Datenwort
int PlcDwBits_get(const PlcDwBits *this, unsigned short value);

or short form:

/** @todo Doc me! Untested! */
PlcDwRange *PlcDwRange_init(PlcDwRange *this, int db, int dw,
                            int len, unsigned short *values);

To doc a file:

/** @file main.c
    Project:  appTemplate
    Target:   Kaeser Sigma Air Manager on Rmos3 v3.20 on Elan520
    Author:   Stefan Beckert
    Version:  $Id$
    Compiler: CAD-UL ANSI C Cross Optimizing Compiler - Version: V701D
        Blah blah
        Blah blah

Implementation Comments

var ths= buf[0].getElementsByTagName("th"); // all thead th elements
// get real number of columns (take colspans of th's into account)
for (var col=0; col<ths.length; col++) {
    var th= ths[col];
    var colsp= th.getAttribute('colspan');
    if (!colsp) colsp= 1;
    for (var i=0; i<colsp; i++) this.thIdx.push(col);
    /* Store table header text and set the sort events
        Firefox supports setting event handling function like this:
        th.setAttribute('onclick', 'ts_doSort(...)') but IE6 not!
    if (th.getAttribute('ts_sortable') != 'false') {
        this.thText[col]= th.innerHTML;
        var ih = '<span';

Hungarian Notation?

Some facts about hungarian notation:

  • Though HN originally came from Microsoft they now discourage the use of HN.
  • Neigther in the Java API nor in the Java Tutorial HN is used anywhere. How to find reasonable non-ambiguous HN prefixes with almost 4000 different Classes and Interfaces with long names like AbstractColorChooserPanel in the Java API?
  • Bjarne Stroustrup who developed C++ is against HN.
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becki/linux/style.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017-09-08 08:18 von becki

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