


Slack Tips - Attic

Obsolete Slackware tips

Slack Installation

Make Boot Disks

Since Slack 12.0 the kernels do not fit on a floppy any more, so making bootdisks is useless now. Source: slackware-12.0/kernels/make-all-bootdisks. It seems also, that installation over network is not possible with bootdisks anymore. PXE install is prefered. See README_PXE.TXT

This is olnly necessary if the Computer can't boot the Slack cdrom or dvd, or for network install. See slackware-11.0/bootdisks/README.TXT and slackware-11.0/rootdisks/README.TXT

cat /mnt/cdrom/bootdisks/bareacpi.i > /dev/fd0 # or bare.i or adaptec.s
cat /mnt/cdrom/rootdisks/install.1 > /dev/fd0
cat /mnt/cdrom/rootdisks/install.2 > /dev/fd0
# only necessary for network install:
cat /mnt/cdrom/rootdisks/network.dsk > /dev/fd0

After Install Config

Terminal Emulator Config Example

! ~/.Xdefaults

! Default Values for all Terminal Emulators:
XTerm*geometry:     80x64
XTerm*loginShell:   true
XTerm*visualBell:   true

! Enable Mrxvt transparency:
Mrxvt*transparent:          True
Mrxvt*transparentScrollbar: True
Mrxvt*transparentTabbar:    True

! Mrxvt dark Background, bright Font:
Mrxvt*shading:              60
Mrxvt*reverseVideo:         True
! Brighter bold and normal blue
!(for directories and vim comments):
Mrxvt*color4:               #007FFF
Mrxvt*color12:              #007FFF

rxvt-doku from manpage; aterm doku from → dotfile-examples; mrxvt doku from manpage & mrxvt hompage

Since aterm 1.0.0 trancparency seems not to work any more with fluxbox on slackware 11.0. Switched to mrxvt therfore. rxvt-unicode may also be an option. — 2007-04-04

Old aterm config:

! ~/.Xdefaults
!Aterm*color0: #000000
!Aterm*color1: #b21818
!Aterm*color2: #18b218
!Aterm*color3: #BE5F00
!Aterm*color4: #6D85BA
!Aterm*color5: #b218b2
!Aterm*color6: #18b2b2
!Aterm*color7: #b2b2b2
!Aterm*color8: #686868
!Aterm*color9: #FF5454
!Aterm*color10: #54FF54
!Aterm*color11: #FFFF54
!Aterm*color12: #73A5FF
!Aterm*color13: #FF54FF
!Aterm*color14: #54FFFF
!Aterm*color15: #FFFFFF
!Aterm*background: black
!Aterm*foreground: #A8A8A8
!Aterm*scrollBar: false
Aterm*transparent: true
Aterm*tinting: Magenta
Aterm*shading: 40
!Aterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-15


:!: As of Slack 13.0 the following is obsoete.

Enable to shutdown or restart the computer when running Xfce. You have to allow the user(s) to execute xfsm-shutdown-helper with sudo. Run visudo (root) and add the following line:

%users ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper


Backup with rsyncd

See beckibackup

/etc/rsyncd.conf : gemäß man rsyncd.conf

hosts allow = ilse.local
dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz *.mpg *.jpg *.mp3 *.ogg
path = /home/share/bak/ilse
# nötig, sonst kann man nicht schreiben:
read only = no
# nötig, sonst gehen die Eigentümer verloren & alles wird nobody|nobody
# (ausprobiert)
uid = root

„rsync –daemon“ in rc.local gemäß „man rsyncd“ (wegen einem Dienst starte ich den inetd nicht, & cups wird autonom in rc.cups gestartet)

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becki/linux/slack_tips_attic.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2009-12-07 15:28 von becki

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