


Network Time Protokol NTP

This is a description how to setup your computer in order to fetch the accurate time from the internet. — 2004-11-26, 2006-12-14, 2012-05-05;

Infos taken from: How do I use, Pool Servers (Time Synchronisation with NTP & NTP FAQ and HOWTO)

In /etc/ntp.conf uncomment the line

  1. server

and add your appropriate sub-zone, eg:


If, contrary to expectations, you have servers which do not use version 4, but the older version 3 of the NTP-protocol, add 'version 3' after the server entry, eg: server version 3. More

To manually adjust your computer clock from time to time, just issue the command ntpd -q from now on :?:

Make /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd runnable and start it with /etc/rc.d/rc.ntpd start''

After some time (this could take as long as half an hour!), ntpq -p should output something like:

remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
+     2 u   68 1024  377  158.995   51.220  50.287
*     2 u  191 1024  176   79.245    3.589  27.454
-    3 u  766 1024  377   22.302   -2.928   0.508

The IP addresses will be different, because you've been assigned random timeservers. The essential thing is that one of the lines starts with an asterisk (*), this means your computer gets the time from the internet.


With temporary Connection (Modem)

Add this code to the file /etc/ppp/ip-up. Create it, if it not exists and make it runnable.

# /etc/ppp/ip-up
spd=$((24*60*60)) # seconds per day ; #spd=5 # test
today=$(($(date +%s) / spd))    # today in days since 1970
last=$(($(stat -c%Y $0) / spd)) # last setting of time in days since 1970
if ((today>last)); then # fetch the time once a day:
    if ntpd -q; then
        touch $0 # remember time setting in the modification time stamp of this file
        logger "Time set successfully"
        logger "ntpd error while setting time!"
    logger "No need to set time yet"

:!: On my pppoe DSL connection it doesn't work!

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becki/linux/ntp.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012-05-05 08:43 von becki

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