


Modbus TCP

Collected informations for using Modbus on TCP/IP. Libmodbus is used as master on any Linux computer (Sheevaplug). Wago fieldbuscouplers 750-342 (or alternatively 750-841) are used as slaves.

Modbus Command Overview

Code Target Count Direction Name in Spec Libmodbus 3 fkt name libmodbus 2 fkt name
01 0x01 DO many read Read Coils modbus_read_bits read_coil_status
02 0x02 DI many read Read Discrete Inputs modbus_read_input_bits read_input_status
03 0x03 AO many read Read Holding Registers modbus_read_registers read_holding_registers
04 0x04 AI many read Read Input Register modbus_read_input_registers read_input_registers
05 0x05 DO one write Write Single Coil modbus_write_bit force_single_coil
06 0x06 AO one write Write Single Register modbus_write_register preset_single_register
15 0x0f DO many write Write Multiple Coils modbus_write_bits force_multiple_coils
16 0x10 AO many write Write Multiple registers modbus_write_registers preset_multiple_registers
23 0x17 AI/AO many both Wrt/Rd Multiple registers modbus_write_and_read_registers :?:

Sources Spec Manpage

More information sources:

Wago 750-342

Setting the IP with bootp

Basic principle: The bootp client (750-342) sends its MAC address to the bootp server (eg. a slackware linux computer). The server in turn provides the client with an IP address.

Example: To provide the client host with the name etb-130 who has the MAC address 0030DE010A2C with the IP address and an appropriate subnet mask, add the following line to /etc/bootptab:


Then, on the server machine, start the bootp daemon by uncommenting the following line in /etc/inetd.conf

bootps  dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/bootpd        bootpd

…and restart the inetd:

/etc/rc.d/rc.inetd restart

Now connect the Client with the server eg over crosslink cable and boot the client.

The 750-342 fetches its IP from the bootp server only when bootp is enabled. Otherwise it uses the IP saved in its EEPROM. Pseudcode:

ipNumber= bootpEnabled ? getIpNumberFromBootpServer() : getIpNumberFromEeprom()

Web access to 750-342 is admin / wago

See also: Wago manual p.82ff and bootptab


Usage / Doc


Download the source and use the Slack build script.

The rest of this section is obsolete

Note: You could get the latest devel release with git clone, but this has no configure script, so we use the lataest stable release instead.

Download v 2.0.3 from here

Libmodbus has the unpleasant behaviour, that it prints error messages to stdout instead of stderr. If you plan to build your application like a filter which commuicates over stdin / stdout to the world, than you will get problems, in that libmodbus may interfere your protocoll or whatever with error messages. Therfore we patch the source a little bit and are writing error messages to stderr instead of stdout. Look for the function error_treat in modbus/modbus.c and replace the printf function with fprintf:

static void error_treat(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int code, const char *string)
        printf("\nERROR %s (%d)\n", string, code);
static void error_treat(modbus_param_t *mb_param, int code, const char *string)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR %s (%d)\n", string, code);

Now do the usual ./confiure; make; su; make install;. This installs the following objects to /usr/local/:


Then do ldconfig to update the library system info.

Wago Adressing in Libmodbus

Bit-based access to digital IOs

  • Bit-based function codes are # 1,2,5,15
  • The first digital input and output bits have both address 0
  • The 2nd digital input and output bits have both address 1
  • Addressing of inputs and outputs are independent (ie. there exists DI 0 and DO 0)
  • Each input/output bit consumes one member of the uint8_t dest[] array. I.e. each bit consumes one byte.

Register-based access to analog IOs

  • Register-based (16bit) function codes are # 3,4,6,16
  • The first analog input and output register have both address 0
  • Contrary to the Wago manuals the 2nd analog input and output registers have address 1 :!:

Register-based access to digital IOs

  • Access to digital inputs and outputs is also possible with the register-based function codes
  • Digital input and output addresses are automatically appended after the analog addresses. This means the digital addresses are dependend of the number of the analog devices.
  • Each digital IO consumes on bit in the uint16_t dest[] array
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becki/linux/modbus.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2013-06-13 13:56 von becki

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