


Dojo Toolkit

Why Dojo?

  • Can do what jquery is famous for as well
  • Has complete GUI widgets
  • Custom (downsized) builds make it attractive for usage on embedded systems

First Steps

  • The syntax for including remote dojo libs can be found here. The latest Revision number to specify can be found here.
  • Debugging and Logging: Use Firebug together with console.log() and friends. More

DOM Manipulation

dojo.byId() document.getElementById()

FIXME Does this table make sense at all?

Use Dojo from your Own Server

Download the „Dojo Toolkit Release“ from and install it on your server to /var/www/htdocs/lib/

See also: Note that the themeTester.html mentioned there does not exist in the install.

Make a custom Build

A custom build is necessary for example when public cross-domain distributions are not accessible (isolated network) and the size of the standard dojo package is to big for the server (e.g. on an embedded system). With a custom build you can do both: Reduce the size and make it cross-domain capable.

Further reading: quickstart/custom-buildsCreate optimized Dojo builds for your custom Dojo artifacts

Make a cross-domain Build

The following exemplary steps build a cross-domain build with standard profile to be installed on the machine of the browser. Hence the browser machine needs a webserver as well! The actual dojo app can live on a space limited device where the browser connects to:

  1. Download and extract latest stable source release
  2. Create the build destination dir as root, eg. /var/www/htdocs/lib/dojo/1.4/
  3. Cd into dojo-release-1.4.1-src/util/buildscripts
  4. Run this as root:
    ./ profile=standard loader=xdomain xdDojoPath=http://localhost/lib/dojo/1.4 action=release releaseName=1.4 releaseDir=/var/www/htdocs/lib/dojo
  5. The necessary include path then yield to:
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://localhost/lib/dojo/1.4/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css">
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://$your_hostname/lib/dojo/1.4/dojo/dojo.xd.js" djConfig="parseOnLoad: true">

Make a size-optimized Build


Download and extract latest stable source release. Tip: Use SVN, e.g: svn co dojo-svn

You need a build profile with an arbitrary name, eg exorsus: dojo-svn/util/buildscripts/profiles/exorsus.profile.js. In the build profile you specifiy all the modules which you would normally include with dojo.require() and an arbitrary name for the resulting .js file (called layer), in this example exodojo.js. All modules specified in the dependencies will end up in the layer file:

dependencies = {
    layers:  [
            name: "exodojo.js",
            dependencies: [
    ] /* ,
    // build produces the same result with or without the prefixes attribute
    prefixes: [
        [ "dijit", "../dijit" ],
        [ "dojox", "../dojox" ]
    ] */

Cd into dojo-svn/dojo-svn/util/buildscripts/ and issue the following command (you will use different languages in localeList):

./ profile=exorsus action=clean,release localeList=en-us,de-de cssOptimize=comments

The build is created in dojo-svn/release/

Tip: Save the build profile file and the build command in the source tree of your own web app and just create symlinks from dojo-svn/… to the files in your web app!


This is no cross-domain build, i.e. the build has to be installed on the same server, where the web app which uses the dojo build lives.

Copy the follwing files and directories from dojo-svn/release/ to the web root of your webserver, eg. /var/www/htdocs/:

`-- dojo
    |-- dijit
    |   `-- themes
    |       `-- tundra
    |           |-- images
    |           |   |-- accordionItemActive.gif
    |           |   |-- ...
    |           |   |-- ... everything except the .psd files 
    |           |   |-- ...
    |           |   `-- warning.png
    |           `-- tundra.css
    `-- dojo
        |-- dojo.js
        |-- exodojo.js
        `-- nls
            |-- exodojo_ROOT.js
            |-- ...
            |-- ... everything that begins with the name of your layer file
            |-- ...
            `-- exodojo_xx.js

The example assumes that you work with the tundra theme. Of course you have to take the files of the theme you use!

You need to maintain the same directory structure in the web root of your webserver as given in dojo-svn/release/!
Tip: The images/ subdir of the tundra theme contains (useless?) Photoshop images (*.psd). Remove them to save space!

Now remove all calls to dojo.require() in your web app and instead include your own layer file:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/dojo/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dojo/dojo/dojo.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/dojo/dojo/exodojo.js"></script>

Currently known Issues

  • djConfig.isDebug must be set to false
  • IE looks for a file called ressources/blank.gif relativley to the root of your web app when working with the AccordionContainer.

Possible Improvements

In order to furher reduce the size of the lib you may:

  • Name unused css modules with the cssImportIgnore command line attribute when calling You can easily spot unused css modules by looking at dojo-svn/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css.
  • Unused images may be picked out from dojo-svn/dijit/themes/images/. For, you look in dojo-svn/dijit/themes/tundra/tundra.css for all references to the image subdir and there you remove all images which are not referenced.


Dijit widgets are wrappers around native DOM nodes.

dojo.byId() returns the DOM node, whereas dijit.byId() returns the Dijit widget.

Dijit widgets have an attribute called domNode to access the DOM node. More


Normal DOM events are lowercase (like onclick). Whereas Dojo widget events are camel case (onClick).

dojo.connect is a more powerful replacement for native event handling. More: JavaScript events and Dojo / Javascript events


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becki/linux/dojo.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011-03-08 06:49 von becki

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