


Slack 13.0 on Asus K50IJ

This page is about the peculiarities of installing Slack 13.0 on Asus K50IJ-SX154L. General information about installing Slackware are here

Fix Sound

For the impatient

Download and install the latest Alsa packages:

tar -xzf alsa-driver-unstable-snapshot.tar.gz
cd alsa-driver-unstable
./configure --with-cards=hda-intel
make install

Found here


lspci -v reveals that the loaded kernel module for the audio device is snd-hda-intel.

cat /proc/asound/cards reveals the chip type and head -n 1 /proc/asound/card0/codec* shows the exact codec (VIA VT1708S). With these information one normally would try to fine tune the kernel module by the help of the (installed) file /usr/src/linux- Source. But this does not work yet with Slack 13.0

But a web search with the codec reveals this page which links further to the Alsa install tip.

Fix Webcam

Fix WLAN after Suspend to RAM

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becki/linux/asus_k50ij_tips.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2009-12-29 21:16 von becki

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