
Tips for Web based Applications


Tips and Howtos for installation, update and modifications on web based applications. Targeted mainly for a LAMP system.


See SquirrelMail Tips


See Drupal Tips


See Dokuwiki Tips


Webadmin is a simple Web-based file manager (with text edit function).

I tweaked the text editor part to suit better to my requierements. I needed:

  1. Files to be saved generally as UTF-8 unicode
  2. Word wrap in text edit area
  3. Keep in the edior window and do not return to file view when save button is pressed

The following steps are required:

  1. Convert the webadmin.php from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 with your text editor (eg jEdit) or use iconv. FIXME Serarch for „charset“ and replace all charsets to UTF-8
  2. Search for FIXME textarea an replace FIXME from off to on
  3. Search for FIXME case: edit and FIXME

Possible untested alternatives to webadmin are ide.php, Ve-EDIT, codepress, ecco

Search („web based“ OR webbased OR „web-based“ OR online) AND 1) editor OR ide)

(text OR sorcecode