
SCJP Infos


Language Fundamentals

Table of Primitive Data Types | Java Language Keywords



int   [] ia= new int[3];
String[] sa= {"a", "b"};
Object o0= ia;      // ok
Object o1= sa;      // ok
//Object[] oa0= ia; // ERROR: incompatible types
Object[] oa1= sa;   // ok

Initalization Values

1. Declarations and Access Control


Allowed modifiers for variables and methods:

^local variables |IYES |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |INO |


*)Only possible combinations with abstract: public and protected, nothing else! (tested)



Abstract Classes

2. Object Orientation

Benefits of Encapsulation

Maintainability, flexibility and extensibility:

Overridden and Overloaded Methods

Method is overloaded overwritten
argument list must change must stay same
return type can change same or subtype :!:
exceptions can change only fewer or narrower
access modifier can change only less limited or same
invocation detemined by reference type real type

It's not possible to have 2 or more methods in the same inheritance chain wich differ only in the return type :!:

Overriding Methods

This is polymorphism.
Rules for overriding a method:

Overloading Methods

Overloading means different methods with same name (wich do the same) but with different argument list.

Overloading with Boxing and Varargs

class Tester {
    static void go(int i) {}      // noConverison
    static void go(long l) {}     // widening
    static void go(Integer io) {} // autoboxing
    static void go(int ...) {}    // varargs
    public static void main() { int i=9; go(i); }

Which go() will be called? The rule is: noConverison beats widening beats boxing beats varargs. 1st Reason: Downward compatibility to java 1.4 an 2nd Reason: varags is mor „loose“ than autoboxing, is more a fallback to default

Constructors and Instantiation

Reference Variable Casting

class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal { void doDogStuff(){} }
class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Animal a= new Animal();
        Animal d= new Dog();
        //(Dog)d.doDogStuff(); // Compiler ERROR: Cast needs paratesis!
        ((Dog)d).doDogStuff(); // ok
        ((Dog)a).doDogStuff(); // compiles(!!) but throws ClassCastException

3. Assignments and 4. Operators

Converting and Casting

Primitive Data Types

Integer Floating Point
expression result expression result
integer literal int fp literal double
byte operation int
short operation int
int operation int float operation float
long operation long double operation double

Reference Types

Shadowing and Stack Variables

class Tester {
    static int arsch=3; // A
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.print(arsch+ " "); // B
        int arsch=4;                  // C
    } // compiles and prints: 3 4

If the class variable would not exist (A), the code would not compile at (B), because the automatic variable (C) doesn't exist until it's ceated in the code (tested)

Comparison Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Logical Operators


Bit Shift

INO not tested any more!

5. Flow Control, Exceptions and Assertions


Continue and Break

' continue causes only the current cycle of the innermost loop to cease

Enhanced For Loop

For Loop


int i= 6, m=8;
for (i=0, m=0; i<3; i++) {}                 // ok to initialize more outer vars
// for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {};              // Compiler Error! i alread exists
for (int j=0, k=0; j<3 && k<2; j++, k++) {} // ok to declare more vars of the same type
//for (int j=0, int k=0; j<3 ; j++, ) {}    // Compiler Error! Wrong initialisaition
//for (int j=0, k=0; j<3, k<2; j++, ) {}    // Compiler Error! Wrong condition check

Branching Statements


switch(expression) {
    case constant1: {}
    case constant2: {}
    default: {}
class SwitchTester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final int  i=4;
        final long l=4;
        switch((byte)3) { // ok, constant is allowed
            case 127:{}   // ok
            case -4:{}    // ok
            //case 128:{}   // Error! To big for byte
            case i: {}    // ok
            //case l: {}    // Error! long is not auto-converted to int or smaller


Important Classes


|-- Error
|   |-- AssertionError
|   `-- LinkageError
|       `-- ExceptionInInitializerError        (JVM)
`-- Exception
    |-- ParseException
    |-- IOException
    `-- RuntimeException
        |-- ArithmeticException
        |-- ClassCastException                 (JVM)
        |-- IndexOutOfBoundsException
        |   `-- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
        |-- IllegalMonitorStateException
        |-- IllegalStateException              (Developer)
        `-- IllegalArgumentException           (Developer)
            `-- NumberFormatException          (Developer)

JVM: typically thrown by JVM
Developer: typically thrown by a Devoloper of an application or API



Principle: If an assertion expression evaluates to false, than an AssertionError is thrown if, and only if java is started with -ea flag

Syntax example:

assert a < b;  // or:
assert a < b : "a="+a+" is too big"; // or
assert (a < b) : "a="+a+" is too big"; // but not:
//assert (a < b : "a="+a+" is too big"); // Compiler Error!

Compiler Issuses

int assert = 0;// warning with javac -source 1.3; error with -source 1.4
assert(false); //   error with javac -source 1.3;    ok with -source 1.4

6. Strings, IO, Formatting and Parsing


Class String

Important public methods:

import java.lang.String;
char charAt(int index);
int indexOf(int ch); // Returns the index of the first occurrence of ch or -1
int indexOf(String s); // Returns the index of the first occurrence of s or -1
String concat(String str); // same as +
boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString);
int length();
String replace(char oldChar, char newChar);
String substring(int beginIndex, [int endIndex]);
String toLowerCase([Locale locale]);
String toUpperCase([Locale locale]);
String trim(); // Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.

Classes StringBuffer and StringBuilder

Imporant public methods:

import java.lang.StringBuffer;
int length();
char charAt(int index);
int indexOf(String str); // not char like in String!
StringBuffer append(String str); // heavily overloaded with all types of arguments!
StringBuffer delete(int start, int end);
StringBuffer insert(int offset, String str); // heavily overloaded with other types than String!
StringBuffer reverse();
String toString();

File Navigation and IO

Metods of File


File(String pathname); // overloaded with:
File(String parent, String child);
File(File parent, String child);
static final String separator // eg. / for unix, \\ for windows
boolean exists();
boolean isFile(); // true only for a normal file, not dir
boolean createNewFile() throws IOException;
boolean mkdir();// Creates the directory named by this abstract pathname
/** Deletes file or directory .
    If this pathname denotes a directory, then the directory must be empty in order to be deleted.
    Returns: true if the file or directory is deleted; false otherwise */
boolean delete();


IO stream overview

Serializable is just a marker interface, i.e. no methods to implement. Class Object does not implement this interface! If a serialized object contains sub-objects, they also must implement the serializable interface or marked transient, otherwise an Exception is thrown!

public final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException;
public final Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException readObject();

Method writeObject of class ObjectOutputStream serializes any serializable object. For writing to a file, the constructor of ObjectOutputStream needs an instance of FileOutputStream. And Method readObject of ObjectInputStream works analogous. Here the returned object has to be casted!

Static variables are never being serialized!

Manipulation of Serialization

If a class to be serialized provides exactly

private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream os) // and
private void readObject(ObjectOutputStream os)

those methods will be called while (de)serialization.

These method throw the same exceptions as their namesakes of ObjectOutputStream & ObjectInputStream, namly IOException and IOException, ClassNotFoundException respectively. These exceptions can be declared to be thrown or handled within the methods.

Extra variables can be (de)serialized with this methods, eg: os.writeInt(i) while os.defaultWriteObject and is.defaultReadObject has to be called to (de)serialize the rest of the object.

The order of the method calls on os and is has to be the same in both methods!

Inheritance and Serialization

When objects are deserialized, no constructors are running. (It makes no sense because we want to resore the state before serializing, not the initial state)

Serializable objects with non-serializable superclasses can be serialized, but the values inherited from the first non-serializable superclass and upward will not going to be restored. Instead the constructor of the first non-serializable superclass will be called and thus also every constructor ABOVE will run.

Serialized Arrays and Collections

For serializing an array or collection, every element must be serializable. Otherwise, an exception is thrown :?:

The collection interfaces are not serializable, but the concrete collection classes in the Java API are. This means, that the type of the reference variable to the collection must be of the concrete (implementing) class type, not of the interface type, like usually :?:

Dates, Numbers and Currencies

Only instances of the classes Date and Locale can be created with a constructor. For Calendar, DateFormat and NumberFormat factory methods must be used :!:

Class Date

Most of Date is deprecated, but the followning uses and methods are useful:

import java.util.Date;
Date now = new Date();
public long getTime() // returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
public void setTime(long time) // set Date object to milliseconds after January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT

class Calendar

Useful methods and uses of class Calendar:

import java.util.Calendar;
// Calendar c = new Calendar(); // is illegal, because Calendar is abstract!
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); // use factory method instead of constructor
public final void setTime(Date date); // getInstance doesn't set a Date!
public final Date getTime();
public int getFirstDayOfWeek(); // Gets what the first day of the week is; e.g. MONDAY in France
public static final int MONDAY; // Value of the DAY_OF_WEEK field indicating Monday
public static final int DAY_OF_WEEK // For get and set indicating the day of the week.
                                    // Takes values from SUNDAY, MONDAY ... SATURDAY.
public int get(int field); // Returns the actual value of the given calendar field, eg:
  c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); // only one version of get() exists!
public abstract void add(int field, int amount) // Adds or subtracts the amount to the given field, eg:
  add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -5) // only one version of get() exists!
//c.toString(); is useless, use getTime().toString() instead!

Class DateFormat

Class DateFormat isn't aware of a certain date (=point in time)?

DateFormat (and NumberFormat) can have their locales set only on time of instantiation :!:

import java.text.DateFormat;
// DateFormat df = new DateFormat(); // is illegal, is abstract!
/** Get a default date/time formatter that uses the SHORT style for both the date and the time. */
public static final DateFormat getInstance();
/** Gets the date formatter with the given formatting style for the default locale
    Possible values: SHORT, MEDIUM, LONG, FULL
    Also available: getTimeInstance & getDateTimeInstance */
public static final DateFormat getDateInstance([int style[, Locale aLocale]]);
/** Formats a Date into a date/time string.
    Overloaded methods available! */
public final String format(Date date);
/** Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a date.
    Mind the ParseException, this is no RuntimeException, must be handled or declared!! */
public Date parse(String source) throws ParseException;

Class Locale

import java.util.Locale;
public Locale(String language[, String country]); // eg:
  Locale locPT = new Locale("it"); // Italian
  Locale locBR = new Locale("it", "CH"); // Switzerland

Class NumberFormat

import java.text.NumberFormat;
/** Returns a general-purpose number format for the current default locale.
    This is the same as calling getNumberInstance() */
public static final NumberFormat getInstance([Locale inLocale])
/** Returns a currency format for the specified locale. */
public static NumberFormat getCurrencyInstance([Locale inLocale])
public final String f
public final String format(double number);
public final String format(long number);
/** Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number. */
public Number parse(String source) throws ParseException;

Parsing, Tokenizing and Formatting


In general regex serch runs from left to right and once a source's character has been used in a match, it cannot be reused.

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d\\w"); // the expression
Matcher m = p.matcher("ab4 56_7ab");   // the source
while(m.find()) System.out.println(m.start() + " "+;
/* prints 4 56
          7 7a */
  1. Generate a Pattern instance p by passing the needle-string to static Pattern.compile() factory method. Pattern has no public constuctor!
  2. Generate a Matcher instance m by passing the haystack-string to p.matcher()
  3. Repeatedly use boolean m.find() to check if there is (another) match
  4. After each call to m.find() use m.start() to get the index of the previous match or to get the previous match itself as a string. Calling m.start() or without successful call to find() before leads to an IllegalStateException (runtime exception) :!:

Important meta characters:

. any character?
* previous char 0 or more times
? previous char 0 or 1 time?
+ previous char 1 or more times
\d same as [0-9]
\s any whitespace
\w letters, digits or _

String pat= „\d“; results in a compiler error, because d is not a valid escape character!

How to search for the . (dot) char? String pattern= „\\.“ The dot is a metachar, therefore it must be escaped w

th \ to get the literal meaning. But \ is also the escape char when defining strigs, so it must iself be escaped! = Any metachar in a search pattern that starts with \ has to be escaped in the string def, eg: pattern \w becomes String pattern=„\\w“


/** Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.
    May also produce empty matches if 2 delimiters follow each other directly */
public String[] split(String regex);

A more powerfull class Scanner is also available.


Format string is composed by: %[ArgIndex$][flags][width][.precision]conversionChar

To provide more args than used in the format string is ok, eg: System.out.printf(„running“, t);

Formatting is available for String.format(); PrintStream.printf()

''PrintStream.format()'' and '''' (and more?), [[javaref>api/java/util/Formatter.html#syntax|more]] --- 2007-05-03

Math class

INO Not tested any more

Wrapper Classes

Essential method signatures:

method purpose static
wrapper.xxxValue() wrapper → primitive INO from all 6 number wrappers to all number primitives
Wrapper.parseWrapper(String) string → primitive IYES only for number wrappers, not Boolean, not Character
Wrapper.valueOf(String) string → wrapper IYES all 6 number Wrappers + Boolean

Using equals(Object)

7. Generics and Collections

Overriding hashCode() and equals()

public boolean equals(Object o) {return ((o instanceof ThisClass) && (...));}
public int hashCode() {return 6; /* valid but bad! */}

Wrapper Classes like Integer also do a type check within their equals methods. Called with eg. a long leads to Long via autoboxing and thus the comparison always fails, regardless of the value.


See Collections


Autoboxing works where a primitive is supplied and an Object is expected, whereas unboxing doesn't work where an Object is supplied and a primitive is expected. → The upcast to eg Integer must be done by hand:

List test= new ArrayList(); // legacy code
test.add(6); // Object expectet autoboxing works
int x= (Integer)test.get(0) // Cast necessary for unboxing

To parametrize a generic with the wildcard ? extends … prohibits to call methods which need the type in their paramter list:

import java.util.*;
class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Number>           li0 = new ArrayList<Number>();
        List<? extends Object> li1 = li0;
        List<? super Integer>  li2 = li0;
        li0.add(new Integer(3));
        li0.add(new Short((short)3));
        //li1.add(new Integer(5)); // Error!
        li2.add(new Integer(7));  // works
        //li2.add(new Short((short)7)); // Error!
        Object t= li1.get(0); // works
        li1.remove(0); // works

Garbage Collection

8. Inner Classes

See overview first!

(Regular) Inner Class

Method-local inner Class

Anonymous inner Class

Static nested Class

9 Threads

See java>Threads first



10. Development


-d specifies the target dir for the generated class files. Specifying a nonexistent dir generates a compiler error.

If -d targetdir is specified and source file starts with a package statement, javac will generate the appropiate directory structure above the targetdir. But targetdir must exist!

If -d is not specified and source file starts with a package statement, the class files will be generated in the dir where the source file is located. This is usually the current dir, but not necessarily.


java -DmyProp=Willi SomeClass adds the key/value pair to the system properties. No space between -D and key is allowed. Get sysprops with:

import java.util.Properties;
class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Properties sp= System.getProperties();
// prints: Willi

The -D flag in not a compiler flag, it works only with java, not javac!


Search order: First system default classes than classpath content. cp can be an environment variable. But if -cp is specified, the environment variable will be ignored. Searching goes from left to right. It stops as soon, as a class is found.

If -classpath (or -cp) is specified, than the current dir has to be added with :. otherwise classes in the local dir won't be found. If no classpath is specified, it seems, that the local dir is in the classpath automatically (tested)

In order to compile which needs, both of package mp; javac has to be invoked with the parent dir of mp in the classpath! Reason: uses class B without additional qualifier. This means that B is searched in the same package mp which must be a subdir of the dir's in classpath.

Jar Files

Import static

Amibiguous imports:

import static java.lang.Integer.MAX_VALUE;
import static java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE; // => Compiler error! *¹
import static java.lang.Integer.*;
import static java.lang.Short.*;
class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {}
} // => No Compiler error *²
import static java.lang.Integer.*;
import static java.lang.Short.*;
class Tester {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(MAX_VALUE); // =>  Compiler error! *³
  1. Single-type imports of 2 statics with the same name results immedtiatly in a compiler error
  2. Wildcard import of 2 statics with the same name, but never using the name works but
  3. Wildcard import of 2 statics with the same name, and trying to use the name results in a compiler error




Failed Tests

scjp 1.4 Book

scjp 5 Book
