
SquirrelMail Tips

This page explains how to set up SquirrelMail on Linux to access a remote IMAP sever. is used as an example


  1. Download and unpack in your web root.
  2. Chown to root: cd squirrelmail; chown -R root:root
  3. Chown FXIME to user and group of apache process
  4. Create squirrelmail/data/ and squirrelmail/attach/ folders in /var/local/ and make them writeable for to the webserver (chown to user and group of apache process)
  5. FIXME Protect web access to subfolders

System Configuration

Run config/

  1. Set server name to
  2. Set IMAP server to URL, Port 143
  3. Set SMTP server to URL, Port 25
  4. Map email folders: Draft→Entwurf, Sent→Gesendet Trash→Papierkorb
  5. Optionally install the TimeoutUser plugin

All settings are stored in config/config.php. This is an excerpt with the important settings:

$squirrelmail_default_language = 'en_US';
$default_charset        = 'utf-8';
$domain                 = '';
$imapServerAddress      = '';
$imapPort               = 143;
$useSendmail            = false;
$smtpServerAddress      = '';
$smtpPort               = 25;
$pop_before_smtp        = false;
$imap_server_type       = 'other';
$invert_time            = false;
$trash_folder           = 'Papierkorb';
$sent_folder            = 'Gesendet';
$draft_folder           = 'Entwurf';
$data_dir               = '/var/local/squirrelmail/data/';
$attachment_dir         = '/var/local/squirrelmail/attach/';
$smtp_auth_mech         = 'login';
$imap_auth_mech         = 'login';
$use_imap_tls           = false;
$use_smtp_tls           = false;

More Info here

Per-User Configuration

Everything done in Options