====== beckibackup ==
===== Despcription ==
See [[http://think-deep.com/becki/sources/beckibackup/README|README]]
===== Dowload ==
Download latest version [[http://think-deep.com/becki/sources/pack.php?n=beckibackup|here]]
===== Use as Cronjob ==
By default ''beckibackup'' writes informative messages to ''stdout'' (can be switched off) and error messages to ''stderr''. Therefore it is advisable to redirect the stdout to some logfile and //not// to redirect stderr. This way, the owner of the cronjob (usually root for machine backups) gets an email from crond only if an error occurs.
The following is tailored towards Slackware Linux, but on other system the useage is similar:
* Create the file ''/etc/cron.daily/backup'' with the following content and make it runnable:
/usr/local/bin/beckibackup 1>/root/.beckibackup/log
* Check if ''cron.daily'' runns at the right time with ''crontab -l'' and ajust it if necessary.
* If you want to have the error messages emailed to you, remove the redirection of stderr in ''/usr/bin/run-parts'':
echo "$SCRIPT:"
$SCRIPT 2>&1
echo "$SCRIPT:"