====== Tips for Web based Applications == ===== Abstract == Tips and Howtos for installation, update and modifications on web based applications. Targeted mainly for a [[wp>LAMP]] system. ===== SquirrelMail == See [[SquirrelMail tips]] ===== Drupal == See [[Drupal]] ===== Dokuwiki == See [[dokuwiki tips]] ===== Webadmin == [[http://cker.name/webadmin/|Webadmin]] is a simple Web-based file manager (with text edit function). I tweaked the text editor part to suit better to my requierements. I needed: - Files to be saved generally as UTF-8 unicode - Word wrap in text edit area - Keep in the edior window and do not return to file view when save button is pressed The following steps are required: - Convert the webadmin.php from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 with your text editor (eg jEdit) or use iconv. FIXME Serarch for "charset" and replace all charsets to UTF-8 - Search for FIXME textarea an replace FIXME from ''off'' to ''on'' - Search for FIXME ''case: edit'' and FIXME Possible untested alternatives to webadmin are [[http://www.ekenberg.se/php/ide/|ide.php]], [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpwebeditor|Ve-EDIT]], [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/codepress/|codepress]], ecco Search ("web based" OR webbased OR "web-based" OR online) AND (((text OR sorcecode)) editor OR ide)