= Terminal Ctrl characters | Ctrl-c | Send SIGINT(9) signal | | Ctrl-z | Suspend process. Send SIGTSTP(20) signal. signal Useful with {{{bg}}} | | Ctrl-d | Send End-of-file character (EOF) | | Ctrl-u | Erase the input since the last EOF or beginning-of-line | == Sources: # TLPI p.388 # [[man>termios]] -> Search for "Ctrl-" # http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_12_01.html # {{{kill -l}}} lists singal names withi its numbers # [[kman>man7/signal.7|signal(7)]] # {{{stty -a}}} [[https://superuser.com/questions/343031/sigterm-with-a-keyboard-shortcut#343046|source]] No complete overview or definition file found so far