====== Nvidia driver setup ==
This page explains how a proprietary driver for an Nvidia graphics card is installed and configured on (Slackware 13.1) Linux.
For Nvidia legace card users: According to http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=153892 the The 71.xx.xx drivers don't support Xorg server > 1.4.x. which means that the driver will not work at a recent Slackware!
- ''lspci -v | grep -A6 VGA'' shows your card type. If 'Nvidia' doesn't appear, you can stop reading now ;-)
- Go to [[http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx|Nvidia driver download page]], select your card type and download the driver.
- Make the installer runnable and run it.
- If you didn't install the kerel source download it now, it's located in the k series of slackware, for Slack 13.1 it is [[http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/slackware/slackware-13.1/slackware/k/|here]]
- Create and config an ''xorg.conf'' file. See [[xorg_tips#x-server_configuration_old_way]]
- Further edit ''xorg.conf'' according to Additional information -> README on the Nvidia driver download page:
find the relevant Device section and replace the line:
Driver "nv"
(or Driver "vesa")
Driver "nvidia"
In the Module section, make sure you have:
Load "glx"
You should also remove the following lines:
Load "dri"
Load "GLcore"
if they exist.
See also http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html